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Meet Morgan Kramer

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of America Obedience National. Lumen and Morgan notched a very impressive 196.5 from the Open A class, finishing second in HIT to Kim Berkley and Louise Franks’s Poodle Glitter.  


Eight months later, in December 2019, Lumen and Morgan had another impressive showing at their first AKC Obedience Classic. Lumen had a top score of 197 in the Open competition and finished 13th overall in the Open class. In addition to her work in obedience, Lumen is also training now for hunt trials. 


Morgan’s two younger dogs are hard at work as well. Leif, another Standard Poodle, is focusing on obedience, agility, and hunt skills, while Inka, a Border Collie, is training in obedience, agility, and herding. 

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Morgan Kramer, DSK’s newest trainer and groomer, came to her love of animals early. She grew up on a family cattle farm in Farina, Ill., and from a young age showed cattle, rabbits, horses, and other livestock at county 4H shows, state fairs, and stock shows, including the Angus and Red Angus Junior Nationals.  


The first dog to capture Morgan’s attention was Gwyn, an English Springer Spaniel. Gwyn and Morgan started taking lessons at a local training club, and Morgan was quickly captivated by the sport. 


After establishing herself as a professional dog groomer, Morgan decided to branch out to her real love, dog training, by applying for admission to the Tom Rose dog training school. She started class at Tom Rose in January 2018, attending both the Professionals and Masters programs, eventually becoming the first person to be graduated from both Tom Rose programs. 

While she was in school at Tom Rose, Morgan met her “perfect dog” – Lumen, a Standard Poodle. By the time Lumen reached her first birthday, she and Morgan were already competing in AKC obedience. Morgan’s greatest experience came when she and Lumen, who was only 17 months old at the time, won Reserve High in Trial at the 2019 Poodle Club

Morgan has a special way with dogs, and we’re very glad she’s joined our ranks at DSK. 

Harmony Mtn Leif 


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Dog Sports at Kim's          1951 Townsley Lane          Caseyville, Ill. 62232


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