DSK is proud to present a brand new
Scent Work: Intro to Odor class
taught by Patty Schneiderjohn.
Monday evenings at 7 p.m.
First class meets on April 6.
Click here for more info.
Click here to register!
There will be no classes this Thursday, October 8th, and the entire building
will be closed
from Thursday through Sunday
for the Mound City obedience trial.
The building will reopen Sunday afternoon following the trial.

Dog Sports at Kim's
Bring Out the Best in Your Dog!
Old English Sheepdog rounds up UD title!
Utility A is the hardest of all
obedience classes, and earning one’s UD title by qualifying thrice in a single trial, on three consecutive days, is a difficult thing for a dog to accomplish.
Yet that’s exactly what Bert Cunningham, Judi Cunningham’s handsome Old English Sheepdog, managed this past weekend
(July 14-16, 2017) at the Tri-County Agility Club’s obedience trial in Wentzville, Mo.
Nancy Withers, Loretta Lazzara, and Randy Capsel were Bert’s judges.
Congratulations, Judi and Bert!

CH Lakewood's Good Luck Will Rub Off UD RAE OA OAJ XF