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Old English Sheepdog rounds up UD title!

Utility A is the hardest of all

obedience classes, and earning one’s UD title by qualifying thrice in a single trial, on three consecutive days, is a difficult thing for a dog to accomplish.


Yet that’s exactly what Bert Cunningham, Judi Cunningham’s handsome Old English Sheepdog, managed this past weekend

(July 14-16, 2017) at the Tri-County Agility Club’s obedience trial in Wentzville, Mo.


Nancy Withers, Loretta Lazzara, and Randy Capsel were Bert’s judges.


Congratulations, Judi and Bert! 

CH Lakewood's Good Luck Will Rub Off UD RAE OA OAJ XF

photos courtesy Penny McNiel

Dog Sports at Kim's          1951 Townsley Lane          Caseyville, Ill. 62232


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